The Revenge of the Veggies

Most vegans I know are tired and ill a lot of the time, but particularly during the winter months when they seem to catch every bug that’s doing the rounds because of weakened immune systems. On top of that, they are often depressed under the seemingly endless days of low grey clouds, suffering with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) because they are not getting enough vitamin D3 in their diet.

Perhaps it’s a kind of poetic justice. With the vegan diet being weighted towards grain and vegetable content, it is often just a meat-and-dairy free version of the Standard American Diet (SAD) which, in itself, contributes towards the aforementioned SAD mental condition, not to mention a whole host of other seemingly insoluble ailments. However, they are only insoluble to those who don’t realise that they are being slowly poisoned by plants that are defending themselves from extinction by excreting chemicals which are toxic to those who prey on them.

So in this article, I break down how veggies, nuts, legumes and grains wreak their cruel revenge on us through the sort of collateral damage that builds up, almost imperceptively at first, over time.   

However, I’m not expecting to persuade any vegans. When you have managed to fall for the delusion that you are NOT living in a world of beings who only survive through successful predation, and that ‘God’ will only smile on those who eschew all ways of the flesh, then this an emotional argument that is not open to reason.

It doesn’t seem to occur to many vegans that the Creator ‘himself’ or ‘herself’ cannot be a vegetarian or a vegan. It is evident in the creation itself, in which all creatures great and small have to feed on the one below it in the serried ranks of predation, known as the circle of life, in order to stay alive and thrive.

Even the vegans’ holy cows get plenty of animal-derived nutrition from all the bugs and worms in the grassy cud that they chew.

In my experience, vegans usually fall back on the cruelty to animals argument whenever their science argument fails. However, this is a non-sequitur. The answer to bad animal husbandry is not veganism but good animal husbandry.

I wonder if this brainwashing and radicalisation is what John Wyndham was trying to warn us about in his post-apocalyptic novel featuring carnivorous plants called “The Day of the Triffids” …? In reality, it is not just the fictional triffids. All plants are carnivorous, feeding as they do on humus-rich soil that is made up of the dead bodies of decomposing insects. And they are so good at their bio-warfare that they even managed to survive the dinosaurs.

Science tell us that ever since the Cambrian Age, more than 500 million years ago, the process of evolution itself has been based on predation, in which ‘prey’ and ‘predator’ have acted out a sort of ‘evolutionary arms race’ in the fight to survive.

Thus if we refuse to realise that plants regard and treat us as any other predator, and take action accordingly, we are in danger of becoming as extinct as the dinosaurs. And perhaps we will deserve that fate for being so vain and ignorant in our dealings with Mother Nature who, as we learned from the poet Alfred Lord Tennyson, is “red in tooth and claw”.

So I hope this will help those who are capable of more objective critical thought, and who have not yet been able to find the solution to their own inflammation, leaky gut, SIBO, arthritis, kidney stones, arteriosclerosis, heart disease, obesity and a whole host of other health problems which are often written off by the medical profession as the automatic and inevitable results of ageing when it is really the slow, creeping and exacting bloody revenge of the veggies.


Phytoestrogens are plant hormones that are found in flax and soya, and they can cause infertility. The plant protects itself by excreting this hormone which causes chaos in the endocrine systems of all those creatures chewing on its leaves, and renders them sterile. It cannot and does not differentiate between tiny slimy bugs and human chompers when it comes to predators, and why should it? And what better way to defend yourself than to render your predators extinct as a species?


If you suffer from leaky gut, you may be a victim of proteins called lectins, which are like tiny sharp needles that permeate the inner lining of the intestines, and thus create holes for unprocessed foodstuffs to escape into the body.

Lectins are found in gluten, but a gluten-free diet alone won’t be enough to save you from this revenge of the triffids if you are still eating certain vegetables that fall under the umbrella of “nightshades” –  tomatoes, peppers, aubergines, chillies and white potatoes.

Nightshade vegetables

Lectins are in all the grains – even the saintly brown rice.

Not everyone is sensitive to lectins, but if you suffer from auto-immune and inflammatory diseases like arthritis, you might want to try leaving foods containing lectins out of your diet for a month, and see if that works.


Oxalates are in parsley, spinach, chard, beet greens, peanuts, almonds and yes, sadly … chocolate, too.

The body itself makes oxalates when it needs to. But too many flooding the system, derived from a plant’s Patriot Defence Missile System, will combine with calcium to create crystals in the body, like kidney stones, and these tiny jagged bits floating around in the circulatory system can cause no end of nasty inflammation and arthritis.

This is made worse by “free-floating calcium” which is more prevalent in those, like vegans, who don’t get sufficient vitamin D3 and K2 in their foods. These two vitamins are the body’s escorters of calcium into all the right places, such as bones and teeth. If the calcium is allowed to roam freely, it can get involved with “bad boys” like oxalates, and create problems.

You can read more here about the importance of D3 and K2 in the management of calcium.

Phytic acid

Phytic acid is found in all seeds – such as sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and chia seeds – and it is also in bran. It is a chelator of minerals, which means it binds together minerals and excretes them from the body, which is not so much a great idea when you haven’t yet been able to benefit from them.

Some people take phytic acid to rid themselves of too much iron in the blood and it is thought to prevent cancer. However, an excess of phytic acid can prevent the absorption of the all-important minerals such as zinc, magnesium, potassium and calcium.

Women who are still ovulating lose excess iron naturally through their monthly period, anyway. So they really don’t need phytic acid and especially if it’s going to make them mineral-deficient.


Saponins are a sort of detergent that dissolve cell membranes, and they are found in all the nightshade vegetables, legumes, amaranth and buckwheat.

Some indigenous peoples have used plants rich in saponins for fishing, because it poisons the fish.

Saponins are used today in some dietary supplements.


Over the past few years, I have been gradually moving towards rarely eating vegetables. Even when I do, they are usually fermented or pickled.

In other words, I’ve learned from the ancestors, who managed to survive the revenge of the veggies for many a millennia by fermenting and pickling grains and vegetables. Fermenting and pickling is a sort of food processing that has the effect of breaking down the toxins of the plants, and rendering them harmless.

In this article, I describe how to make fermented red cabbage. Once you’ve learned how to ferment cabbage, you can apply this same method to most other plant-derived foods.

Otherwise, these days I mainly only eat from a wide range of meats, fishes and dairy products in which the toxins have been processed by the digestive system of the animal and thus rendered harmless, with just the occasional veggie as a garnish.

If you want to follow this way of eating, it is recommended that you only decrease your plant-based foods gradually, over a period of time. Otherwise, your body may flood with oxalates.

Some call it the Carnivore Diet, but I am actually just trying to avoid all the plant carnivores who want to eat me!

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