The Bright World of the Gods


by Annie Dieu-Le-Veut

THIS IS THE SECOND in The Glastonbury Chronicles series of books that were inspired by the spirits of the land that inhabit the other dimensions found, shamanically, through the mists of Avalon in Somerset, England. The spirits are known locally as the Gentle Folk or the Fae, although you may know them better as fairies.

The main protagonist of The Bright World of the Gods is Bridie, a human woman who descends into the Underworld to face her shadows and win the hallows, in order to restore the Wasteland of Earth and the gods to their rightful mansions in the heavens.

This twisting adventure abounds with archetypal characters that have stepped straight out of ancient Celtic myths such as Arawn, the Lord of the Underworld, Elen of the Trackways, Gwyn ap Nudd, Creiddylad, Taliesen and Morgan the Fae. We also meet with the Old Man of the Sea, Manawydan, whose golden dragon ship is the only vehicle that can cross dimensions.

And you will once again join the twin souls Gwyddion and Arianrhod as they continue to grow in their spiritual realisations and to heal their past lives. In this way, you will also benefit from the lessons they learn as they meet the challenges necessary for their alchemical inner growth which will lead them to full spiritual enlightenment.

So you may just want to enjoy this epic tale on a superficial level, of weaving, intriguing mystery tours and thrilling ferris wheel rides – which is fine. But those looking for keys to open fairy doorways into deeper esoteric teachings will also find them here along with the instructions on how to unlock them.

Either way, you’re welcome just to relax and wander through the wondrous hills and dales of The Bright World of the Gods, and let its enchanted flowers seed the gardens of your own Dreamscapes so that it can do its magic there and give you insights into your own destiny – and the meaning of your life.

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